Brindisi Airport and Shuttle Service to Ostuni

Servizio Navetta Aeroporto di Brindisi Stazione

Airports of Brindisi and Shuttle Service to Ostuni

The BRINDISI AIRPORT or Airport of Salento is 30 km from Ostuni, about 45 min,

is served by Ryanair, Easy Jet, Air Berlin, Alitalia, German Wings, Helvetic, Express and Vueling and make the city well connected both nationally and internationally especially with England, Spain, France, Germany and Greece.

There is a Shuttle Service made ​​by STP Brindisi , which connects the airport with the Railway Station in Brindisi center from which it is possible to reach Ostuni:
by train in 30/45 minutes; once at the Ostuni railway station you need to take a shuttle to the town center

by bus directly to the town center in around 1 hour.

The cost of one-way ticket is € 1.00. On board with extra cost: € 1.50

The service is active every day of the year and the races are made from 5.30 to 23.45, with a frequency of 30 minutes. Reaching the train station takes between 10 to 15 minutes .

More informations on the STP Brindisi website

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