How to get to Chianca Bianca by walking


Via Giacomo Leopardi 56 Old Town of Ostuni CIS BR07401291000006970


Arriving by train, you need to take the shuttle bus that connects the station to the city center.

The closest bus stop is Piazza Italia.

Once you get off the bus, look for this building from the stop:

Once you reach the building, you need to take this road to the right:

Then you have to follow the road and get to the Church of the Annunziata

In any case, this is the GPS location of the Church:

You have to take the road right in front of the entrance door of the church

Go straight at the end, right and immediately left and go down this road

This is the street home, Via Leopardi

The apartment is located at the end on the right at n.56

Basically this is the route from the Annunziata church to home

You need to look for a balcony with two purple chairs: the home address, as already written before, is Via Leopardi 56

At the entrance door there is a safe box with the keys: the code will be provided as soon as the house is ready, hopefully before 4pm.